A great solution to eating with mixed company is to offer the “Build your own” option when cooking. I have some close friends that love to have us over, and cook low FODMAP for us and non-fodmap for them. The easiest way to do this is have some strong non-contamination protocols and build your own.
I previously wrote a pos on how not to cross contaminate so I won’t repeat it here. But it would be helpful to talk about this with guests or make yourself aware. A quick simple strategy that should really help cut cross contamination is have seperate serving tools for each dish/topping/ingredient. Think make your own salad, this is pretty easy if you make people use utensils to help reduce cross contamination. A common problem area is think sauces or dressings. You don’t want people to “dip into the contamination” and put it back in the dressing. Try and have sauces/dressings be poured and do not give out a utensil. To be honest just bringing up the topic to help people be aware is HUGE. A lot of people are not aware and need to be educated.
I feel “build your own” is a great way to have both FODY people and non FODY people co-exist at a meal. It gives more options than just making one generic dish for everyone. It’s like making Taco’s. I make the best Taco’s. (According to my tastebuds.) I choose what to and not to but on my taco. This enables huge satisfaction for the guest as customization is King.
In short if you are having a “mixed dinner” think going ‘build your own’.
Do you have any tips for how to have a low FODMAP/none FODMAP dinner? Add comments below and let me know what you think.